2024 Call for Papers

ICAPE 2024 Conference, Call for Papers

St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, Texas
January 4, 2024, 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Virtual sessions: Friday, January 12, 2024 over Zoom, times TBD

Conference theme:

Modern Economic Pluralism: Exploring the synergies and distinctive contributions of contemporary heterodox approaches

Economics is a fractured discipline. In addition to the divide between mainstream economics and various strands of heterodox economics, heterodoxy itself is divided into a number of approaches. This conference encourages submissions that explore the unique contributions of each major school of heterodox economics, while also discussing areas in which heterodox approaches share similar insights. Is a unified approach to heterodox economics possible? Or, would a unified approach have disadvantages by reducing the rich variations and unique contributions of each school of thought? Sessions and papers that explore variations on this theme are particularly welcome.

ICAPE also welcomes submissions from any pluralist perspective.

All papers presented at ICAPE are eligible for inclusion in the ICAPE proceedings issue of the American Review of Political Economy. In addition, papers related to the conference theme will be considered for inclusion in a special volume to be published by Edward Elgar entitled, A Modern Guide to Economic Pluralism.

ICAPE, the International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics, is committed to a broad, pluralistic approach to economics. Founding member associations include the International Association For Feminist Economics (IAFFE), the Union for Radical Political Economics (URPE), the Association For Evolutionary Economics (AFEE), the Association For Institutional Thought (AFIT), and the Association for Social Economics (ASE). Submissions from members of these organizations are particularly welcome, as are submissions from any economist committed to a pluralistic approach to the discipline.

We welcome work from all strands of heterodox economic theory, including evolutionary, ecological, complexity, institutional, feminist, Austrian, Marxian, Sraffian, Post-Keynesian, behavioral/psychological, social, radical political, critical realism, agent-based modeling, and general heterodox economics. We are interested in research from any of the perspectives listed above, and research by mainstream economists open to incorporating a pluralistic approach. We are also particularly interested in material from graduate students, sessions on pluralistic teaching, and material on the state of pluralism in economics.

Submissions are due by Friday, September 1, 2023.

The ASSA/AEA conference is scheduled for January 5-7, 2024 in San Antonio.

  • The in-person portion of ICAPE’s conference will occur immediately before the ASSA meetings, beginning at 8:00 AM on Thursday, January 4 and concluding at 6:00 PM. These sessions will be held in person at St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, a short cab ride from the conference hotels.
  • The on-line, virtual portion of the ICAPE conference will take place on Friday, January 12, 2024, with the times to be determined based on the schedules of participants.

All in-person presentations will take place on January 4, 2024, and all virtual presentations will take place on January 12, 2024.

All papers and panels must be submitted via the Google Forms below.

Individual papers can be submitted here: https://forms.gle/moGhGB58LDK44e45A

Panels, workshops and roundtables can be submitted here: https://forms.gle/gGJCg1RTzYXWfsGT9

In-Person Conference registration fee: $120 regular registration, or $60 low income. The registration fee includes a light breakfast, coffee, and a full buffet lunch, as well as full access to the online conference.

Online-only Conference registration fee: $60 regular/$30 low income.

Scholarships to cover conference registration fees are available to those with limited institutional support including graduate students as well as academics residing in the Global South. All scholarship recipients must be a member of one of the founding ICAPE associations (AFEE, AFIT, ASE, IAFFE, URPE).

Note that ICAPE does not arrange housing for the in-person portion of the conference. We recommend that you take advantage of the low rates obtained by the AEA for its conference, and that you attend the sessions of ICAPE founding organizations at the AEA conference.

Tentative schedule for the in-person portion of ICAPE on Thursday, January 4, 2024:
8:00 AM, Conference begins; Check in; coffee, and light breakfast (included)
Breakout session 1: 8:30-10:15 AM
Breakout session 2: 10:30-12:15 AM
Lunch plenary: 12:20-1:55 PM (lunch included)
Breakout session 3: 2:00-3:45 PM
Coffee break: 3:45-4:15 PM
Breakout session 4:15-6:00 PM
Conference ends at 6:00 PM

The schedule for the virtual portion of the conference on Friday, January 12 will be determined later, based on the schedules of the online presenters.

For additional information, contact Geoff.Schneider@Bucknell.edu.

Statement regarding attending the ICAPE conference in Texas in the wake of the Supreme Court Decision on abortion and the state of Texas’s law banning abortions:

ICAPE recognizes that the restrictions of Texas on healthcare place an undue burden on pregnant people in the economics profession and others who are forced to balance the risk of needing medical care that may be unavailable in Texas with their professional need to attend the conference. We also recognize the different political strategies that ICAPE participants may want to employ to effect legal changes, including boycotting all events in Texas. At the same time, ICAPE provides an important professional and networking outlet for heterodox economists who need to attend the ASSA conference and especially for those who need to be listed on a conference program in order to secure travel funding. And, ICAPE can use its presence in Texas to bolster local efforts to effect changes and to connect with local activist groups. As a consequence, ICAPE has adopted a two-pronged strategy. 1. ICAPE has arranged a second day of the conference, Friday, January 12, 2024, for those who wish to give a presentation at ICAPE but will not be attending the in-person conference. All virtual presentations will take place on this second date. 2. ICAPE will try to use the conference as a way to promote political mobilization around relevant issues. We will reach out to local activists as part of this effort, and we hope to organize a demonstration at the main conference hotel to draw attention to these issues. The demonstration for reproductive rights in New Orleans was a good way to build solidarity, and we saw the buttons that were distributed at the demonstration throughout the conference at a variety of sessions.

If you have additional ideas regarding how the ICAPE conference can support efforts to improve reproductive rights and support political mobilizations on this and other important economic issues, please contact Geoff Schneider, the ICAPE executive director and conference organizer.