2025 Conference

The International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics

ICAPE 2025 Annual Conference, Call for Papers

University of San Francisco, McLaren Conference Center, San Francisco, CA
In person: January 5, 4:00-8:00 PM, January 6, 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM

Virtual sessions: Friday, January 10, 2025 over Zoom, times TBD


Conference theme: Neoliberalism, Polycrisis and Pluralism


The global economy is facing numerous crises (e.g., a polycrisis). Democracy is under attack in numerous countries, and the far right is gaining power and influence. Increases in immigration are fueled by the desperation neoliberalism has wrought in much of the global south. Inequality, poverty and precarity produced by neoliberalism in developed countries are fueling unrest and xenophobia. Intolerance is also apparent in violence against LGBTQ+ people. Health and welfare systems are stretched thin and, in many cases, being cut. Infrastructure has fallen into disrepair in the U.S. and other countries. Geopolitical tensions between China and the U.S. as well as ongoing wars in Ukraine and Gaza threaten international stability. Meanwhile, the increasingly severe consequences of climate change are becoming more readily apparent. In this world of polycrisis, what can pluralist economists offer to address these difficult times?

Since its founding, ICAPE has supported economists who have been marginalized by the American Economics Association. ICAPE is motivated by the philosophy that methodological pluralism and intellectual progress are complements: intellectual diversity allows for the development and dissemination of insights that would otherwise be overlooked.

At the 2025 conference, ICAPE encourages submissions that explore the unique contributions of all major perspectives of heterodox/marginalized economists, while also discussing areas in which these approaches share similar insights. Are heterodox economists moving toward a unified approach? Or, would a unified approach have disadvantages by reducing the rich variations and unique contributions of each school of thought? How does the work of economists from the National Economic Association and American Society of Hispanic Economists intersect with the work of feminist, institutionalist, social, Marxist and post-Keynesian economists? ICAPE welcomes submissions from any pluralist perspective on the conference theme or on any topic of relevance to pluralist economists.

Founding ICAPE associations are the International Association For Feminist Economics (IAFFE), the Union for Radical Political Economics (URPE), the Association For Evolutionary Economics (AFEE), the Association For Institutional Thought (AFIT), and the Association for Social Economics (ASE). Submissions from members of these organizations are particularly welcome. We also welcome work from all strands of heterodox economic theory, including evolutionary, ecological, complexity, institutional, feminist, Austrian, Marxian, Sraffian, Post-Keynesian, behavioral/psychological, social, radical political, critical realism, agent-based modeling, stratification, and general heterodox economics. We are interested in research from any of the perspectives listed above, research by economists marginalized by the AEA, and research by mainstream economists open to incorporating a pluralistic approach. We are also particularly interested in material from graduate students, sessions on pluralistic teaching, and material on the state of pluralism in economics.

All papers presented at ICAPE are eligible for inclusion in the ICAPE proceedings issue of the American Review of Political Economy.

Submissions are due by Tuesday, September 10, 2024.



The in-person portion of ICAPE’s conference will occur immediately following the ASSA meetings, beginning at 4:00 PM on Sunday, January 5 and concluding at 6:00 PM on Monday, January 6. These sessions will be held at the University of San Francisco, a short cab ride from the conference hotels. (The ASSA/AEA conference is scheduled for January 3-5, 2025 in San Francisco, ending at 3:00 PM on January 5th.)

The on-line, virtual portion of the ICAPE conference will take place on Friday, January 10, 2025, with the times to be determined based on the schedules of participants.

All in-person presentations will take place on January 5-6, 2025, and all virtual presentations will take place on January 10, 2025.

All papers and panels must be submitted via the Google Forms below.

Individual paper submissions: https://forms.gle/t6KQNberGQEVmAkf7

Panel, workshop and roundtable submissions: https://forms.gle/8EEF3isKtyMMer6Q7


In-Person Conference registration fee: $180 regular registration, or $90 low income. The registration fee includes dinner on Jan. 5, coffee, lunch and a reception on Jan. 6, as well as full access to the online conference.


Online-only Conference registration fee: $90 regular/$45 low income.


Scholarships to cover conference registration fees are available to those with limited institutional support including graduate students as well as academics residing in the Global South. All scholarship recipients must be a member of one of the founding ICAPE associations (AFEE, AFIT, ASE, IAFFE, URPE).

Note that ICAPE does not arrange housing for the in-person portion of the conference. We recommend that you take advantage of the low rates obtained by the AEA for its conference, and that you attend the sessions of ICAPE founding organizations at the AEA conference.


Tentative schedule for the in-person portion of ICAPE on Sunday, January 5, 2025:

4:00-4:40  Registration/Check in

4:45-6:15 PM,  breakout sessions

6:20-8:00 PM, plenary dinner for all participants (included)

Monday, January 6, 2025:

8:30-10:15, breakout sessions

10:30-12:15, breakout sessions

12:20-2:15, plenary lunch for all participants

2:30-4:30, breakout sessions

Reception and networking event, 4:30-6:00


For additional information, contact Geoff.Schneider@Bucknell.edu.